Articles by Administrator


Something is Coming…

The Veil of Protection that heaven had once provided to America…continues to lift.  And as our nation… and the world… continues down a path of darkness, death and the distortion of truth…  the warnings have become more intense…  Repentance has been replaced with defiance.  Now a Birth Pain of Labor… …

In God’s Name….

Throughout the years, Religious leaders, from all faiths, have often hijacked the message of God for their own selfish, political and monetary gains. All too often, religion has been invoked in order to unite individuals against perceived political enemies of the state and nations. When human power is threatened… and…

The Age of Sorrows

As darkness begins to surround us… and the times… become increasingly maddening, the world continues to march… in an incessant beat towards global war… We must now Trust in God more than ever before. No matter how difficult it soon might get… you must remember… His victory over Evil is…

The Nicene Creed – Profession of Faith

The Nicene Creed IS The Simple Statement of Who We… as Christians are… and the Essence of our Belief! Most People are familiar with the Nicene Creed but know it under a different name – “The Profession of Faith”. The Nicene Creed is a Christian statement of faith accepted by…

Kibeho Marian Apparition That Came True

There are numerous apparitions of Mary where the Mother of Christ foretold of coming chastisements, wars and periods of human suffering. If someone ever asks… “Show me an Apparition where the prophecies of Mary came true?”… You would have to look no further than Kibeho Africa.  On Nov. 28, 1981,…

Glory Be to the Father Prayer

Gloria Patri, also known as the Glory Be to the Father Prayer This wonderful prayer can be said anytime, anyplace in less than 30 seconds and quickly grounds the Soul into fertile ground. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was…

Our Father Prayer

The Basis for the Lord’s prayer is found in Matthew 6:9 (audio) and Luke 11:2 (audio) Christ was teaching about those who pray loudly… and in boisterous manners…. and he warned not to become like those people.  Then one of the members in the crowd asked Christ… Then how do…

Exorcism and Deliverance Prayers Have Been Updated

Just wanted to advise everyone that as we continue to modify and improve our site, we have been updating different sections on a regular basis. The Most recent section – Exorcism Prayer has just been updated. Many people today think of evil infestation of a person in the terms of…

Amazing Videos of Miracles!

Sometimes, A Video is Worth 10,000 words… but in the words of Stuart Chase… “For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don’t believe, no proof is possible.” Here are 3 Videos worth watching… just might help you find what your looking for… #1) Women Trapped in…

Our Lady of Lourdes

Lourdes – One of the Defining Marian Apparitions of all Time Our Lady of Lourdes ‘Je suis l’Immaculée conception’ Lourdes Resources Visit Lourdes Right Now – See it Live thru Webcams Email Your Prayer Petitions Directly to Lourdes Light a Candle at Lourdes Now The Shrine at Lourdes Prayers at…