I have written once before, that “China that could become a shiny beacon of light, a nation where the family is valued, where all Life is protected and the Chinese people have the right to freely worship the great God Almighty. China could become the hope of the world. But, On the other hand, If China went down a different path – one of darkness and persecution – then God himself would send his army to protect his beloved children.”
It is now clear, that the governing Chinese Communist Party (CCP), whose members are less than 7% of the Chinese Population, are trying to destroy the very Church that Christ himself said that the Powers of Hell would not be able to prevail against.
Despite attempts for Christ to touch the hearts and minds of the CCP leadership, they continue to act more defiant and more arrogant in their ways. They continue down their path of persecuting Christians, Muslims and Hindus within the country… Persecuting and jailing the beloved children of the Most High God.
So now… like Saul, on his way to Damascus almost 2000 years ago… the CCP will be knocked off their horses… blinded… to the world which they once thought they saw so clearly… and then… only then… when they realize they were blind… and the hearts and minds of the Government leaders have changed… will they be restored back with a new vision… and a new hope.
But I write now… to warn the good Chinese People, Our Brothers and Sisters… that times will become difficult for all living in China. A series of plagues has now been unleashed upon the Chinese Communist Government… and similar to the time of Moses, all of China will feel God’s wrath and anger… until all of God’s Beloved Children are allowed to practice their religion in China and pray in peace.
For those innocents, who will not be exempt from the stress, find comfort and strength in Psalm 91. “I will say of the Lord… He is my Refuge and my Fortress… My God; in him I will trust”
The last warning on June 7th stated, “Communist China continues to attack and destroy! Enough. Should they continue down this path.. economic drought will soon parch their land… the water (money) their banks depend upon, will be cut off… the same way the Government cut off the water to the churches. Certain beloved government buildings will crumble as the earth shakes from the anger of God. (Reminding them of the churches they bulldozed and blew up.) All living and invested in China will feel the pain. The first of many plagues which will soon fall upon their house.. unless they change.”
There is no way for the Chinese Communists to stop what is coming as long as they remain defiant and arrogant. Since the warning was issued, the first plague has already wiped out almost $1 Trillion dollars (The Water) from their economy. The “Water” is evaporating from its economy and soon the banks will run dry….
- China Rout Has 1,023 Stocks Plunging 10% in One Day
- China stocks on verge of bear market after week that saw US$514 billion drop in market cap, equivalent to Sweden’s GDP
- China Moves to Quell Systemic Bond Risks After Default Wave
No matter what the Government will say publicly, the water will run dry. And when the banks do run dry… wealth… stored in structures made of concrete, built by the Government, will simply disappear. Simply vanish… like grains of sand… blown by the wind into the vast sea… never to be recovered. Pray that the civil unrest which will then occur and threaten the very foundation of the Chinese Government is not used as an excuse to start bloodshed… which would consume the lives of many.
And while this plague runs its course, unless there is change… the next shall strike…. buildings will begin to crumble. A shaking not seen in almost a thousand years. It will be a dark night for China. But a house of worship will still stand in the midst of destruction…. becoming a sign that there is still hope… and a reminder that Christianity, the House that Christ built, will outlast any man made government on this planet earth. To stop the destruction… simply Let His People Pray!
If the Chinese Government still remains arrogant and does not change their ways… and the persecution continues… then another, more deadly pestilence will fall upon the land… a sickness striking down the lives of those once thought invincible… and those most powerful. The very air that kept them alive… used as the means… the cause of their deaths.
The request from the Most High is simple… Let His People Pray!
So I appeal again today… China…. Become That Shiny Beacon of Light! Let your people shine forth…. where family is valued, where all Life is protected and the Your Chinese people can once again converse in peace with their Great God Almighty! China… become the hope… and an example of Love for the Rest of the world.
Let The Chinese People Pray!

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